MENSTRUAL PROBLEMS & THEIR TREATMENT - Shrikhande Fertility IVF Treatment in Nagpur
Menstrual disorders are problems that have an effect on a woman’s normal menstrual cycle. They include painful cramps during bleeding, abnormally heavy bleeding, irregular bleeding , scanty bleeding or absence of any bleeding. Menstruation happens during the years between puberty and menopause. Menstruation is also called a “period,” which is a monthly discharge of blood from the uterus through the cervix and out through the vagina. Most women have a regular menstrual cycle that is around 28 days, but anywhere between 21 days to 35 days is considered as common. Generally women bleed somewhere between 2-7 days each cycle. The most irregular periods happen during the onset of menses and at the time of menopause. However, some women experience problems with their periods in between these 2 phases of their life also.