What is a test tube baby? Common questions from IVF patients

IVF stands for in vitro fertilization, and it is a process by which a woman is made pregnant by the fertilization of her egg by a sperm outside her body in a scientifically controlled environment. This breakthrough technology has allowed many couples to experience the joys of parenthood even though they are single or jointly incapable of it due to some reason. But a couple going in for IVF needs to do in-depth study about the process so that they can have realistic expectations from it and not make any errors which would endanger the child that is being brought into this world. Also, there are a large number of clinics offering IVF today, and a thorough knowledge of all aspects of IVF would help parents choose the correct clinic for their procedure. Let us look at some common IVF questions that parents have when they are going in for IVF :

 Tips to deal with stress during infertility

Dealing with such a tough situation like infertility is very devastating. The trauma that you have to undergo is inexpressible.You need to have lots of courage to fight with your emotional sentiments as well as of society. Not able to conceive a child is already shattering and then you have to go through the emotional criticism of your relatives, peers, and family members. You may also feel many ups and downs in the relationship between you and your partner as it is a frustrating situation for both of you.

 Women – Not the only reason behind infertility - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

Best IVF treatment in Nagpur. Though we have developed a lot, society has still not overcome some baseless myths. One of them is,only women to be blamed in case they are not able to conceive a child. After so much of awareness campaigns and the emergence of social media, some people still think that a mother gives birth to a child, hence the reason behind infertility.

 WHY CHOOSE US - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

Shrikhande IVF has been in the field of infertility for the past 20 years. We are one of the leading fertility hospitals in Nagpur, India. With a vision to provide our patients top-class, personalized, compassionate fertility care. There are numerous reasons as to why Shrikhande IVF should be your first choice, below are a few reasons. We craft a personalised program that helps Science has made so many advances in the field of fertility treatment that it can be quite stressful for someone who is navigating through the process, every individual who is looking for fertility treatment has a unique set of constraints. We, therefore, understand the physical, emotional and financial aspect that all come into play, and we work jointly with our patient to meet their needs.

 OUR TEAM - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

Patients look for infertility treatment and suggestion for just one reason to guide them to become pregnant. At Shrikhande IVF, therefore, we understand that no two patients are the same. Hence we offer personalised one to one care by our team of expert consultants in the field of fertility, gynaecology and urology, and we believe in giving honest advice and treatment in all forms of assisted conception, gynaecology, endoscopic surgery, and male infertility treatment, supporting our patients at every phase of their journey. Led by one of the country’s leading gynaecologists, Dr. Laxmi Shrikhande and well-known urologist, Dr. Anil Shrikhande who play a vital role in explaining and conducting the treatment throughout the process.

 Second Opinion Service at ShrikhandeIVF

Have you been to an infertility centre in the past? Are you uncertain about their consultation and advice regarding infertility, IVF or surrogacy treatments? Are you not well-informed about your treatment and the possibilities and alternatives specific to your clinical case? Do you feel like you are not getting the level of care you deserve? If so you need to get a qualified second opinion from our specialists, who offer second opinion for any patient facing infertility related issues.

 UROLOGY - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

The Shrikhande Hospital & IVF Treatment Center is one of the leading male & female fertility clinic in Nagpur.. Our Urology team provides complete urologic patient care; treating almost any condition related the bladder, kidneys, prostate and urinary tract. Due to our expertise, and state of art equipment we deliver all the treatment under one roof for your convenience and peace of mind.

 Gynaecology - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur


Gynaecology Symptoms Gynaecological symptom can be very diverse in nature and very upsetting for women. Timely diagnosis and appropriate action can make a huge difference to the physical and emotional well being of the patient. At Shrikhande IVF we treat a large variety of gynaecological symptoms ranging from minor to complex issues Gynaecological Investigations Timely diagnosis of gynaecological issues is tremendously vital for a women’s well being. At Shrikhande IVF, our expert team with its state of the art amenities offers an onsite investigation and testing for various gynaecological problems. This means that the patient can be treated quickly under one roof and under one team.



 Infertility Consultation - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive in spite of regular unprotected intercourse for 1 year (or 6 months if the woman is over 35 years). However, symptoms of infertility may start earlier that this where the menstrual periods, in particular, are irregular or absent. Infertility is majorly classified into two types Primary infertility, where couples have never conceive after regular attempts or been able to carry the pregnancy for the full term. Secondary infertility, where couples who have previously conceived but are now facing issues.

 Infertility Consultation - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur


Infertility Consultation - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur Infertility is defined as the inability to conceive in spite of regular unprotected intercourse for 1 year (or 6 months if the woman is over 35 years). However, symptoms of infertility may start earlier that this where the menstrual periods, in particular, are irregular or absent. Infertility is majorly classified into two types Primary infertility, where couples have never conceive after regular attempts or been able to carry the pregnancy for the full term. Secondary infertility, where couples who have previously conceived but are now facing issues.

 TESA/PESA - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

Male infertility is a matter that has always raised concern amongst thousands of couples around the world. While low quality and quantity of sperm may be the major causes of infertility in men, the inability to effectively ejaculate may also prevent a man from making a woman pregnant even after having unprotected sex. In cases where azoospermia, vasectomy and testicular tube blockages are involved, TESA and PESA are the most ideal treatment options available. With TESA standing for Testicular Sperm Aspiration and PESA standing for Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration, these methods involve less invasive retrieval of sperm from a man’s testes using a thin needle. As mentioned, TESA stands for Testicular Sperm Aspiration. This is an assistive reproductive procedure that involves the retrieval of testicular tissue through a needle attached to a syringe and injected through the skin on the man’s scrotum. TESA is usually a little more complex as compared to PESA and is performed if there is no sperm found within the epididymis, thus prompting for a needle to be inserted directly into the testicles

 IUI Treatment - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

Infertility is described as the inability of a woman to successfully conceive, or the inability of a man to make a woman pregnant. In women, it may be as a result of problems with the uterus including conditions such as fibroids, polyps and adhesions among others. In men, it is usually caused by low-quality sperm such that they cannot fertilize the woman’s ovules. Low sperm count is also another major reason for male infertility. The good news is that infertility can be treated especially if its causes are detected early. Among the most common infertility treatments aimed at ensuring successful fertilization, implantation, and pregnancy, the IntraUterine Insemination has been proven to work effectively. One of IUI’s major advantages is the fact that it is less invasive and more affordable as compared to other treatments for infertility.

 ICSI - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

ICSI has revolutionized the treatment of male infertility. Before the first successful ICSI pregnancy in 1992, little could be offered to couples with severe male-factor infertility, aside from using donor sperm. The procedure began as a laboratory accident where a sperm was infused directly into the egg. The first four trials of the procedure were successful, and healthy embryos emerged, and pregnancy was confirmed. The high success rates made the procedure popular across the world. It entails taking sperms from a male which are then injected into an egg. What is ICSI? Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) is one of the most successful procedures to treat male infertility. It is used in more than 50% of the IVF treatment. ICSI is an excellent option for individuals who are suffering from infertility, and they have very few sperms to fertilize an egg. In ICSI one sperm and one egg is used to generate an embryo.

 EMBRYO DONATION/ FREEZING - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

The Shrikhande Hospital & IVF Treatment Center is one of the leading male & female fertility clinic in Nagpur. Shrikhande IVF Center provides a variety of fertility treatment, EMBRYO DONATION ranging from basic infertility care to the most comprehensive care combined with the latest in vitro fertilization (IVF) technology available today in Nagpur, India Shrikhande Hospital & IVF Research Center was founded in 1996 by Dr. Laxmi Shrikhande and Dr. Anil Shrikhande and since its inception has achieved national and international recognition for clinical excellence and advanced research in the field of reproductive medicine & IVF Treatments.

 LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

Shrikhande Fertility IVF Treatment in Nagpur. Surgery is a very important procedure when it comes to treatment of certain medical conditions. Although, with the increased risks associated with open surgery, there has been a need to move away from these highly invasive treatment procedures. One of the less invasive medical procedures that are being used by doctors today is Laparoscopic surgery. Though a surgical procedure, it makes use of fiber optic technology to diagnose and treat affected internal organs via a smaller incision thus reducing the risk of hemorrhage, pain, and recovery period.Shrikhande Fertility IVF Treatment in Nagpur.

 BREAST DISEASES & TREATMENT - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

Every woman faces some or the other risk of having an acute / chronic breast problem depending on the age, hormone levels, and the medications. While some breast diseases reveal their presence through visible symptoms like a mild pain, rash, lump, bumps, fattiness or even discharge, there are many more diseases that are far more dangerous, only because of their potential growth and risks. It is commonly known as fibrocystic breasts or fibrocystic change, which is a noncancerous condition in which the breasts feel lumpy. Fibrocystic breasts are not dangerous but can cause discomfort for some women. More than half of the women will develop fibrocystic breast disease at some point in their lives. Many women with fibrocystic breasts will not have any associated symptoms.