LITHOTRIPSY - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

 Best IVF treatment in Nagpur .What is Lithotripsy?

Lithotripsy refers to a medical procedure that is used in the treatment of certain kidney stones. Unlike surgery, this treatment technique makes use of high-energy shock waves to fragment these hard masses that have been formed as a result of crystallization of minerals and other substances in the blood. 

FEMALE URINARY PROBLEMS - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

 Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur. Urinary problems are more common in women as compared to men. According to the research done it has been found that 1 in 2 women experience some urinary problems during their lifetime. The most common urinary problems include Urinary tract infection, Urinary incontinence, kidney stones, stress incontinence.

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common infection in women which affect the bladder, the kidneys and the tubes connected to them.

MALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT - Shrikhande IVF center in Nagpur

 Shrikhande IVF center in Nagpur. Infertility is one of the biggest fears among couples as it could mean so many years of unsuccessfully trying to have children. While previously thought of as a problem that faced only by women, medical research has proven otherwise. Male infertility is an issue that faces an average of 1 out of every 30 men of the total population. As a matter of fact, it has been found out that for every 30%of infertile couples, the issue can be solely attributed to male infertility. Male infertility has for so long been misunderstood by so many, with most couples facing a level of stigmatization, in turn completely losing hope in ever having children.

SOCIAL FREEZING - Shrikhande Fertility IVF Treatment in Nagpur

Shrikhande Fertility IVF Treatment in Nagpur . We See, What is Social Freezing?

Social freezing is a term used for freezing your own eggs in order to use it in the future for pregnancy. As every woman is born with a fixed number of eggs cells present in her ovaries. This number keeps declining gradually over the time with age and monthly menstruation along with deterioration in the quality of eggs.

Social Freezing enables you to get pregnant even at an older age without any uncertainties about the egg quality and quantity.

ONCOFERTILITY - Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur

Shrikhande Fertility Clinic in Nagpur. We See, What Is Oncofertility?

Onco-fertility refers to the field of medicine that bridges the specialities of oncology (cancer) and fertility of an individual in order to increase the reproductive potential of a cancer survivor. It is basically any fertility service provided to a recently cancer diagnosed patient who wishes to have their own family in the future. As in the past, these patients had to choose between treating their cancer and preserving their fertility. With the early diagnosis and contacting a reproductive specialist, patients can have both.