TESA/PESA - Best IVF treatment in Nagpur

Male infertility is a matter that has always raised concern amongst thousands of couples around the world. While low quality and quantity of sperm may be the major causes of infertility in men, the inability to effectively ejaculate may also prevent a man from making a woman pregnant even after having unprotected sex. In cases where azoospermia, vasectomy and testicular tube blockages are involved, TESA and PESA are the most ideal treatment options available. With TESA standing for Testicular Sperm Aspiration and PESA standing for Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration, these methods involve less invasive retrieval of sperm from a man’s testes using a thin needle. As mentioned, TESA stands for Testicular Sperm Aspiration. This is an assistive reproductive procedure that involves the retrieval of testicular tissue through a needle attached to a syringe and injected through the skin on the man’s scrotum. TESA is usually a little more complex as compared to PESA and is performed if there is no sperm found within the epididymis, thus prompting for a needle to be inserted directly into the testicles

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